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My 2022 in Sport

Urša Svetek

Welcome to the summary of my 2022 activities related to sports. If you love statistics and sports, and you're a little curious about other people's lives, or at least about mine, this blog post is perfect for you.

I have spent 367 and a half hours doing 13 types of activities, that I thought should be recorded by my Polar watch or Polar bike computer. The average heart rate during these activities was 120 beats per minute.

Sport is a big part of my life. As with all things in life, it fluctuates over time. Some years I spend less time on sport than I would like. No excuses, it is my fault because I put my priorities elsewhere. I am satisfied with this year and already have a new goal for 2023.

woman running in competition
Radol'ška 10ka

Activity #1: Running

In 2022, I ran 1332 kilometers, which took me 141 hours. I took part in 7 running events:

In addition to following my running plans, I help other runners prepare for the goals they want to achieve.

woman and men cyclists at the finnish line of a race
Kolesarski maraton Alpe Scott

Activity #2: Cycling

I cycled 2523 kilometers on my road bike from April to November, so I was on my bike for 99 hours. On 3rd July 2022, I participated in the 15. Maraton Alpe Scott. I covered 130 kilometers with 2000 meters of elevation gain in 5:08:53.

I've only cycled 36 kilometers on a mountain bike. I rode a public bike BicikeLJ to work and home for 1548 kilometers, which took me 91 hours. And yes, I also record commute rides.

I cooperated with Conditus on the night run in Bled this year, and I'm even more excited about the cycling project coming up in 2023. More to be revealed in the coming months.

Exploring Rab, Croatia

Activity #3: Other outdoor

Compared to last year, I spent less time hiking. I went for a hike only three times. I think I did spend more time walking, but I rarely recorded it. I only have proof of 8 hours of walking or hiking, which is obviously not all of it. Also, I forgot to go rollerblading this year.

Swimming is always on my schedule in summer, but I never record it. I sometimes go for a swim in the pool during colder months, but not this year. Swimming is probably my limit, as I record lots of activities, but not this one. At least until I'm not considering triathlon training. I also did some unrecorded SUPing.

Indoor activity

Activity #4: Indoor

I've only done indoor cycling five times because I only use it when I find the weather unsuitable for running. Some people are trying to convince me that I should buy a smart trainer, which would allow me to race virtually, but as long as we have such conditions, I'll stick to outdoor activities.

I spent 21 hours on Pilates, strength, mobility, and core training. More than last year and hopefully less than next year.

I don't keep track of the statistics on financial outflows due to sports. There is NEVER enough sports clothing and footwear in my closet. :)

Many people, even on my news feed on social media, have much better statistics at the end of the year. Fortunately, we do not have to compare ourselves with others but only with ourselves. I am satisfied with this year from a sporting point of view, and I hope that motivation, health, and a bit of luck will be in my favor next year.

Are you satisfied with your sporting performance in 2022?


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